26 maart 2021

Update Statelessness Index online!

De Statelessness Index, een initiatief van het European Network on Statelessness, beoordeelt hoe landen in Europa staatlozen beschermen en wat ze doen om staatloosheid te voorkomen en te verminderen. Sinds 2017 wordt, in samenwerking met het ASKV, tevens geëvalueerd hoe Nederland omgaat met staatlozen. Deze week is de landeninformatie van alle 27 Europese landen die momenteel onderdeel uitmaken van de Index geüpdate voor 2020, waaronder die van Nederland:

“The 2020 Index update for the Netherlands provides new information in several key areas. A revised legislative proposal for a statelessness determination procedure was tabled before the Dutch Parliament in December 2020. While progress towards establishing an SDP is welcome, there are serious shortcomings in the proposal, including, critically, that it does not provide for any protection or residence status for those determined to be stateless in the Netherlands.

There are also continuing challenges in relation to the prevention and reduction of statelessness in the Netherlands. Significant barriers to naturalisation for stateless people remain, and children born stateless on the territory must wait until they have resided legally for three years and be registered as ‘stateless’ before becoming eligible to acquire Dutch nationality. Legislative proposals before the Parliament are set to amend these provisions, but still do not bring them in line with international standards. 2020 also saw a ground-breaking Human Rights Committee decision against the Netherlands, which requires it to review its procedures to determine possible statelessness of children registered with ‘unknown nationality’.

Other new information in the 2020 update includes updated population data and further detail on deprivation of nationality law and practice.”

Tevens kun je hier de ENS Webinar van 24 maart terugkijken waar verschillende experts vertellen over de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van staatloosheid.

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