30 juni 2022

August 11: Stories Where We Are From

We would like to invite you to a special storytelling evening on the 11th of August 2022 where a community of Storytellers from the PAO Embassy of ASKV/Steunpunt vluchtelingen will be curating their own storytelling performances at the Ru Paré Community.

Featuring tellers of folk stories from Nigeria, Eritrea, Niger, Iran and South Sudan, we share the roots of our people in a celebration of the culture that comes here to live in Amsterdam.

All the tellers in the performance have participated in the 6-week program ‘Home is a story you carry on your back’ run for undocumented migrants by PAO ASKV. During unsteady times, the course provides a refuge where they could express, enjoy art and remember their culture with pride.

This project creates an inclusive place of welcome that invites selected participants to develop stories from their home culture. In doing so they’re able to experience a sense of community while remembering the values they bring with them from home.

The event is free and in English. The program will begin at 19:00 and last until 22:00.

Photo credits: Photo from the storytelling event ‘Home is a story you can carry on your back’ by ASKV – installation: Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes at Framer Framed, Amsterdam [2021]. © Betul Ellialtioglu / Framer Framed.

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